
Showing posts from March, 2013

Java-based attacks remain at large

Java-based attacks remain at large, researchers say Summary:   Just how are Java attacks getting through? A new Websense report suggests that approximately 94 percent of endpoints which run Oracle's Java are vulnerable to at least one exploit, and we are ignoring updates at our own peril.  According to security researchers   at Websense , it's not just zero-day attacks which remain a persistent threat. Instead, Java exploits are now a popular tool for cybercriminals. With so many vulnerabilities, keeping browsers up-to-date can become an issue — especially as Java has to be updated independently from our preferred browser, and a mobile, cross-browser workforce is difficult to manage securely. Keeping this in mind, the security team used their Advanced Classification Engine (ACE) and ThreatSeeker Network to both detect and analyze in real-time which versions of Java are currently in use across "tens of millions" of endpoints. The researchers found that t

Microsoft's Various Integrations

Microsoft Office 365 and Yammer integration Summary:   Microsoft is providing more dates and details about how it is integrating its Yammer enterprise social-networking technology with Office 365. On March 19, day one of Microsoft's annual Convergence conference, company officials shed more light on how Yammer's enterprise social-networking technology will be integrated into Office 365 and SharePoint in the coming year-plus. Microsoft officials originally shared   a roadmap regarding this integration in November 2012. But today, officials provided more dates and more details around the integration of Yammer feeds into SharePoint. Last fall, Microsoft officials said in the "immediate future" Yammer and SharePoint would be unified via a single ID/sign-on, shared document-management capabilties and feed aggregation. In the longer term, the Softies said, the two would be integrated from an email, IM and video-conferencing perspective. Here's what we

LinkedIn buying PULSE

LinkedIn buying news reader app Pulse for more than $50 million Summary:   If a new report is true, LinkedIn is making a serious play at digital publishing through a new acquisition. LinkedIn   is reportedly working out a deal to purchase the popular news reader mobile app,   Pulse . AllThingsD   reported on Monday , based on word from "sources familiar with the negotiations," the professional social network is paying anywhere between $50 million and $100 million for the San Francisco-based digital publisher.However, neither company has revealed anything publicly yet. But if it turns out to be true, it marks a major move into digital publishing for LinkedIn.The Mountain View, Calif.-based social media giant has already been plugging away at promoting itself as a news aggregate at least -- especially through its mobile apps and a major revamp of its   news feed and profile pages. The acquisition of Pulse would likely play into strengthening that constant str

Microsoft's Future Updates

Five ways to save Windows 8 Summary:   Windows 8, like Vista before it, is on its way to the trash heap of PC history unless Microsoft makes some big changes as soon as possible. Can the Windows 8 operating system be saved? In all seriousness, Microsoft should be asking itself this question. If Microsoft radically reworks Windows 8, this doesn't have to be its fate.   (Image: Screenshot by Steven J Vaughan-Nichols/ZDNet) The numbers don't lie.   Windows 8's market acceptance is continuing to fall behind Microsoft's last desktop operating system failure, Vista.   Asus, which had been a big Windows 8 booster, is now reporting poor sales   and Samsung has decided not to bother with launching a Windows 8 tablet in the lucrative German market. Simply chopping prices drastically for Windows 8 and Office 2013 for mini-tablets   isn't going to cut it. Neither Windows 8 nor its close relatives, Windows RT and Windows Phone 8, even appear on NetApplicatio

NCEU launches $299 Android tablet

News Corp education unit launches $299 Android tablet   Summary:   The media conglomerate's education arm is set to launch a low-cost Android tablet for the classroom in a bid to take a chunk away from the ever-growing iPad in education market. News Corp. is pushing further into the education space as its Amplify digital education group unveils a new budget $299 Android "Jelly Bean"-based tablet for the classroom. The media conglomerate, better known for its ties with Fox News and The Wall Street Journal, among others, created its Amplify unit   in mid-July last year. Through a partnership with AT&T, the unit planned to launch a low-cost 4G-enabled tablet for the K-12 market.  And today, it made good on that promise.  The Asus-powered Amplify tablet. (Credit:   Amplify ) Reported by   the Financial Times of London (paywalled) , the 10-inch device will be available for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year and will include a range of pre-loaded soft

India Budget boost

India Budget a boost for tech SMBs With general assembly elections due next year, India's Budget 2013-2014 was expected to be populist one but has instead been lauded as prudent with trade body, Nasscom, calling it "responsible and reasonable". Partha Iyengar, country manager for research at Gartner India, noted the Budget focused on growth sectors such as IT, infrastructure, education, skills development and incentives for the growth of domestic manufacturing. Some key measures were taken that will impact the IT-ITES sector. For instance, the Budget clarified taxation rules announced in 2010 regarding development centers and safe harbor rules for transfer pricing. India’s finance minister P. Chidambaram said the rules will be based on the report of an expert panel dubbed the "Rangachary Committee", due to submit its report March 31 2013. India's Budget outlines schemes to help SMBs, but MNCs face tax hike