
Showing posts with the label #2019-Feb

Hacker who stole data of nearly 750 mn users, puts 93 mn more users’ data on sale

  The hacker this time is selling an additional 93 million user records from eight companies on a Dark Web marketplace. The hacker who earlier stole and posted data of close to 750 million users of various popular websites on a Dark Web marketplace has now put up the third set of nearly 93 million hacked databases for sale. According to a report on popular news website late Sunday, the hacker this time is selling an additional 93 million user records from eight companies, including GfyCat which is a popular GIF hosting and sharing platform. "The hacker is selling each database individually on Dream Market. Together, all eight are worth 2.6249 bitcoin, which amounts to roughly $9,400," said the report. The stolen information mainly includes account holders' names, email addresses and passwords. The hacker, who goes by the name Gnosticplayers, earlier posted a batch of 16 websites containing the data of 620 million users and a second batch of eight portals with the data of

Russia to disconnect from the internet as part of a planned test

  Russia's internet contingency plan gets closer to reality. Russian authorities and major internet providers are planning to disconnect the country from the internet as part of a planned experiment, Russian news agency RosBiznesKonsalting (RBK) reported last week. The reason for the experiment is to gather insight and provide feedback and modifications to a proposed law introduced in the Russian Parliament in December 2018. A first draft of the law mandated that Russian internet providers should ensure the independence of the Russian internet space (Runet) in the case of foreign aggression to disconnect the country from the rest of the internet. In addition, Russian telecom firms would also have to install "technical means" to re-route all Russian internet traffic to exchange points approved or managed by Roskomnazor, Russia's telecom watchdog. Roskomnazor will inspect the traffic to block prohibited content and make sure traffic between Russian users stays inside th

Windows 7 Leak Reveals Microsoft's Exponential New Support Charges

  Right now   Microsoft   is flourishing. The rejuvenated giant is in the race to be technology’s most valuable company and (quite rightly) there is widespread praise for Satya Nadella’s leadership. But Windows 7 owners are about to learn this new lean and mean Microsoft still knows how to make unpopular decisions…   Despite its massive popularity, Microsoft has no plans to extend support of Windows 7 past January 2020. That is unless you pay a new annual fee which will double in price every year. Citing partners and having obtained screen grabs of pricing, reveals Microsoft will charge Windows 7 Pro users $50 for the first year of additional support, $100 for the second year and $200 for the third year. Windows Enterprise volume licensing customers will pay half these rates, but the cost of maintaining a lot of PCs will get very expensive very quickly. Furthermore, there’s no point opting in late. If you only join in the second year, you still have to pay for the first year as well. O

Japan Passes Law Amendment To Allow Government To Hack Iot Devices

  Japan is cracking down on vulnerable   IoT   devices.   Japanese government recently approved a law amendment that will enable government workers to hack into people's Internet of Things devices as part of a survey. The outlet says that employees of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) will be carrying out this survey starting next month under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.  Over 200 million IoT devices for both in-home and enterprise use will be tested, starting with routers and web cameras. Default passwords and password dictionaries are all fair game to hack into Japanese consumers' IoT devices, as NICT employees compile a list of insecure devices that authorities and Internet service providers can access to send alert notifications to consumer and take steps to secure the devices. “Russian nation-state hackers deployed the Olympic Destroyer malware before the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang