Amazon unveils delivery by drone within 30 Minutes
Amazon unveils delivery by drone: Prime Air. No, seriously Summary: The retail giant is taking delivery to the next level by using unmanned drones. But don't hold your breath for the service to launch any time soon. Not content with next-day delivery service through its Prime program, Amazon wants orders to land on people's front porches in as little as half an hour. Just when you thought the technology industry couldn't get any stranger, the latest idea from the retail giant is to offer an audacious delivery-by-drone service. The company has been working on the "octocopter" project in a secret research and development lab at its Seattle, Wash.-based headquarters for months in efforts to ramp up its competition against its rivals. According to the program, the octocopter drones will pick up packages in small buckets at Amazon's fulfillment centers and fly directly to customers' nearby in as little as 30 minutes after they hit the "