Google Glass: 2034
Beyond Google Glass by 2034 Summary: What happens if we progress to a culture dominated by augmented reality and lifelogging? In decades past, they had called it spring. But at 95+ degrees outside of Eva Konsumer's tiny studio apartment in downtown Miami, it sure felt like summer. In fact, Eva could not recall during her 25-year-old life when it wasn't blazing hot in April in Miami (Image: Google) Unless there was a compelling reason to do so, these days, it was best to stay indoors where the concrete block construction and the industrial air conditioning systems could regulate temperature to a much more hospitable level. And down in South Florida, with the heavy sun, the UV alone from the hole in the Earth's ozone layer could cook you. Skin cancer city. Like many of the new, ultra-dense apartment buildings in Miami, Eva's small studio had no windows, but she could see e